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Friday 31 January 2014

Egg freezing in NYC – The need to freeze

Medical science has developed a lot and so much is possible today which was even hard to think about earlier. Continuous breakthroughs have been accomplished in the form of new technologies that see the light of the day.

From the test tube baby to artificial insemination, from surrogacy to the more recent egg freezing technology, the reproductive science is constantly evolving.

All this is done, for a better chance and complete independence on women’s fertility preservation. With these treatments, women have now better control over their life and their related decisions. We hate to admit it but we are only humans at the end of the day, driven by our hormones. Our biological clock is constantly ticking and like time, it is evident that our body doesn’t wait for anyone.

Questions, questions and questions
So, what happens when you want to wait for someone but your body just doesn’t support it? What happens if you are keen on having a career or just have flexibility in your relationship but you simply can’t?  

These are the apparent questions that constantly hound us. As the women of this century, we like to have a career but ruling out a family isn’t in our plans either. We want both the joys of being a career woman and a mother but at the right time when we are prepared, not when we have to because we don’t have any choice. This is where the technology of egg freezing NYC comes in the picture. 

egg freezing NYC
The power to choose
Egg freezing is a technology that has proven a savior for many women of today’s age. And it is being socially acceptable for women. This is the process of freezing women’s egg or occytes when they are not ready for future use. The frozen eggs are kept with intense care using special chemicals during this process.

There are no issues with this process because as soon as you are ready to be a mother these frozen eggs will then be thawed, fertilized and then placed in your uterus to grow, making you conceive naturally.

Until and unless you are ready, you don’t have to give in to the pressure of the society to start a family just because time is ticking. This decision will solely be yours and of course your partner’s to become pregnant whenever you both are ready.

Cancer patients – A new hope
This treatment has also come as a boon to cancer patients as they can save their fertility ahead of their cancer treatment. By freezing their eggs they now have the chance to protect their eggs from the process of chemotherapy, radiation or even bone marrow transplantation.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Sex Selection provides accurate diagnosis of the causes of infertility, which includes performing necessary fertility tests on sex selection. Our main infertility services include the physical and endocrine workup on both male and female.

Male Infertility

Male provides a unique environment and state of the ART male fertility clinic facilities and genuine personal, individualized care for all if our patients. We are also affiliated with a Yoga, meditation, and relaxation counselor.

Freezing Eggs NYC

Freezing Eggs NYC- (New York fertility clinic) specializes the latest treatments, freezing eggs, IVF, PGD, Donor and others conveniently located centers in New York. For more details browse our website.

Female Fertility Tests is one of the trusted certified reproductive endocrinologists and fertility tests specialists for over twenty-five years. We keep infertility treatment costs manageable for our patients. We provide various types of female fertility tests to resolve this major health issue.